10 Habits You Need to Break Before Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. There’s a lot to learn, new colleagues to meet, and new responsibilities to take on. However, before starting a new job, it’s important to break some bad habits to make the transition smoother and more successful. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 habits you need to break before starting a new job.


Procrastination is a common habit that can hinder your productivity and success at work. If you have a tendency to procrastinate, it’s essential to break this habit before starting a new job. You’ll likely have a lot to learn and do in your new role, and procrastination will only delay your progress.

To break the habit of procrastination, start by creating a schedule or to-do list that outlines your tasks for the day. Set realistic deadlines and hold yourself accountable for completing them. Additionally, try to eliminate distractions, such as social media or television, during work hours.

Negative self-talk

Negative self-talk can be detrimental to your confidence and performance at work. If you constantly criticize yourself or doubt your abilities, you’ll struggle to succeed in your new job.

To break the habit of negative self-talk, try to reframe your thoughts into more positive and encouraging ones. Instead of focusing on your shortcomings, remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. You can also seek support from a mentor or coach to help you build your confidence.

Being disorganized

Being disorganized can lead to missed deadlines, forgotten tasks, and decreased productivity. Before starting a new job, it’s crucial to break the habit of disorganization and develop a system for staying on top of your work.

To become more organized, start by decluttering your workspace and creating a filing system for your documents. Use a planner or calendar to track your tasks and deadlines, and prioritize your work based on urgency and importance. Additionally, try to establish a routine for your workday to help you stay focused and productive.


Overcommitting can lead to burnout and a lack of quality work. If you have a habit of taking on too many tasks or projects, it’s important to break this habit before starting a new job.

To break the habit of overcommitting, start by evaluating your workload and determining what tasks are essential and what can wait. Learn to say no to requests that don’t align with your priorities or workload. Additionally, try to delegate tasks to others when possible and communicate clearly with your colleagues about your availability and workload.


Multitasking can seem like an efficient way to get things done, but it can actually decrease your productivity and quality of work. Before starting a new job, it’s important to break the habit of multitasking and focus on one task at a time.

To break the habit of multitasking, try to eliminate distractions and work on one task until it’s complete. Take breaks between tasks to help you refocus and recharge. Additionally, prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance and tackle them one at a time.

Proving yourself

Starting a new job can be stressful, and you may feel pressure to prove yourself to your colleagues and supervisors. However, constantly trying to prove yourself can be exhausting and hinder your ability to learn and grow in your new role.

To break the habit of constantly proving yourself, focus on learning and growing in your new role instead. Ask questions, seek feedback, and collaborate with your colleagues to improve your skills and knowledge. Additionally, try to be patient with yourself and trust in your abilities to succeed.


Overthinking can lead to indecision and decreased confidence in your abilities. Before starting a new job, it’s essential to break the habit of over thinking and learn to make decisions confidently.

To break the habit of overthinking, start by identifying the root cause of your indecision. Are you afraid of making mistakes or unsure of your abilities? Once you’ve identified the cause, work on building your confidence by seeking feedback, practicing your skills, and reminding yourself of your strengths.

Additionally, try to limit your options when making decisions and focus on what’s most important. Trust in your instincts and make decisions based on your values and priorities.


Perfectionism can lead to unrealistic expectations and decreased productivity. If you have a habit of striving for perfection, it’s important to break this habit before starting a new job.

To break the habit of perfectionism, start by setting realistic expectations for yourself and your work. Focus on progress and improvement rather than achieving perfection. Additionally, seek feedback from your colleagues and supervisors to help you identify areas for improvement and growth.

Blaming others

Blaming others for your mistakes or shortcomings can damage relationships and hinder your ability to learn and grow. Before starting a new job, it’s important to break the habit of blaming others and take responsibility for your actions.

To break the habit of blaming others, start by reflecting on your role in a situation and identifying any mistakes or areas for improvement. Apologize when necessary and focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame. Additionally, practice empathy and try to understand others’ perspectives to build stronger relationships and collaborations.

Negative attitude

A negative attitude can bring down morale and hinder your ability to succeed at work. Before starting a new job, it’s essential to break the habit of a negative attitude and cultivate a positive and optimistic mindset.

To break the habit of a negative attitude, start by reframing your thoughts into more positive ones. Focus on gratitude and acknowledge the good things in your life and work. Additionally, surround yourself with positive and supportive people and seek out opportunities for growth and learning.

In conclusion, starting a new job can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By breaking these 10 bad habits before starting a new job, you’ll set yourself up for success and growth in your new role. Remember to be patient with yourself and focus on learning, growing, and building strong relationships with your colleagues and supervisors.

10 Habits You Need to Break Before Starting a New Job

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